Tuesday, March 8, 2011

6. Lost and Found in Translation

Dennis (Xiao) Zhan
Exercise #6

ისე კი, რა არის ამ პატარა სიმბოლოზე ჩვენ გამოვიყენოთ?
Svo þá eru það allar þessar litlu tákn sem við notum?
So then, what are all these little symbols we use?

რას ნიშნავს ეს?
Hvað þýða þau?
What do they mean?

რა მათ ხმა მოგწონთ?
Hvað gera hljóð þeir eins?
What do they sound like?

რატომ ვიყენებთ მათ?
Hvers vegna notum við þá?
Why do we use them?

倾诉便宜        这样难                       哪里疼
არის ძალიან იაფად?  იყო თუ არა ასე ძნელია?                         სადაც ჯერ ეს დააზარა?
Er talað ódýr?                                   Var það svo erfitt?                                          Hvar kemur það sárt?
話は格安ですか           それはそんなに難しいか   どこが痛いのですか
Is talk cheap?                        Was it so difficult?               Where does it hurt?

რატომ სპილოები აცვიათ pink ტენისის ფეხსაცმელი?
Hví fílar klæðast bleikum tennis skór?
Why do elephants wear pink tennis shoes?

       哪里疼Hvaða bátur er þessi, missti í rigningunni í skefjum? Does this change who we are? どこが痛いのですかრა არის bunch ბალახი? Hvað ef ég flutti til New York? Á hvaða hátt mun þetta breyta húsinu?
Is it true that only secret lives are real? 你喜人造光
            Ert þú kýst tilbúnu ljósi? どうすればあなたは友人や恋人に男性を分ける
How can you tell if art is anything more than the games of fuck-ups? 当是你最后一次这样的感受თქვენი ხელები სისხლდენა? Where does the creek lead? されていることを半年で二度目の中絶Hvar vilt atburðir úr böndunum? Is this what you expected? 什么麻რა არის იმიჯი უბედურება? Can you smell the rain? 那是冰淇淋
            そのアイスクリームはありますかWhat does that mean? გახსენით მე Scratch ჩემი თვალების ჩემს ძილის? なぜですかHow do we get out of here? 那些是蚂蚁あなたは汗ですかარის თუ არა სიბნელის? Did sírenur vekja þig? 你走出房子როცა შენ ხარ მე? Is it fiction? それは摩擦ですかGætirðu sofa á hreinum? その笑顔が緊張を意味するか What key?

"So then, what are all these little symbols we use? What do they mean? What do they sound like? Why do we use them? Is talk cheap? Was it so difficult? Why do elephants wear pink tennis shoes? Where does it hurt? What are the names of the churches? What is bunch grass? What if I moved to New York? In what ways will this change the house? Which boat is that, lost in the rain on the bay? Does this change who we are? How did I make the decision? Is it true that only secret lives are real? Do you prefer artificial light? Will winter provoke indoor behavior? How can you divide men into friends and lovers? How can you tell if art is anything more than the games of fuck-ups? When was the last time you felt like that? Are your hands bleeding? Where does the creek lead? Is that her second abortion in six months? Where would events get out of control? Is this what you expected? What Is trouble? What is the image of trouble? Can you smell the rain? Why is the window made out of blue grass? Is that ice cream? What does that mean? Did I scratch my eye in my sleep? Why? How do we get out of here? Are those ants? Are you sweating? Is it dark? Did the sirens wake you? Did you emerge from the house? When is you I? Is it fiction? Is it friction? Could you sleep on a net? Does that smile signify tension? What key?"

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